Evolution of GUP: 1973–2013

Year Overview
Quaker Service-American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) started emergency rehabilitation activities in war-ravaged Rajoir Upazila of the Madaripur District of Bangladesh. The Founder Director of GUP late Mohammad Ataur Rahman acted as co Field Director while the other co Field Director was Mr. Bob Anderson ( a Canadian citizen) This phase of relief and rehabilitation work of Quaker Service created the ground for the formation of GUP.
1973 Quaker Service phased out the relief and rehabilitation work and a development organization named as Gono Unnayan Prochesta (GUP) was formed by the leadership of Late Mohammad Ataur Rahman as its Founder Director with the initial support of Quaker Service American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) in association with the Quaker Peace and Service (QPS)-UK and Canadian Friends Service Committee (CFSC).
Cooperative and Credit activities, Child health and Adult education program started.
Introduction of Groundnut cultivation and expansion at farmers' level as a new crop in the project area.
Women and Children Development Program (Jute and Handicrafts works) started.
Livestock Program with poultry/duck farming and cattle insemination started.
Peace Centre at Khalia established. Batik Industry in Rajoir set up
Bakery production unit at Rajoir established
In emergency response to flood victims, massive rehabilitation activities initiated. Fishery Program with pond re-excavation, fish hatchery, fish fingerlings stocking and extension service began. Atish Dipanker Seba Padak received for outstanding services to the flood victims of 1988
Engineering Cell for irrigation activities started and Credit Cell established.
Participation in Non-Formal Education through Hard to Reach Project of GoB.
Working area extended to Chittagong. GUP celebrated its 20th anniversary.
Integrated Health Education Program started with Swiss Red Cross (SRC).
Partnership with PKSF for micro-credit operation started.
Safe Water Supply and Arsenic Mitigation Project in partnership with UNICEF.
Partnership with Practical Action (former ITDG) through Marketing and Livelihood Project
Founder Executive Director Mohammad Ataur Rahman expired (6th August 2003). Nasir Uddin Ahmed, Director, appointed as Acting Executive Director and continued till joining of the New Executive Director.
The New Executive Director S. A. Wahab (one of the Founder Members) joined GUP on 1st July 2004.
Organizational Development (OD) Process in GUP started and GUP Vision, Mission, Goal and Objectives revisited.
GUP role in the field of Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness was highly recognized by Disaster Management Bureau of GoB (SAARC Workshop report published by SARC Disaster Management Centre and Disaster Management Bureau of Ministry of Food and Disaster Management, GoB 2007).
Involved in SIDR response activities in SIDR affected offshore islands of Galachipa Upazila of Patuakhali District. Construction of 3 Schools cum Cyclone Shelters: 1 in Chittagong and 2 in Patuakhali District.
Construction of Ataur Rahman Memorial Peace Library and Renovation of old buildings of the Peace Centre.
Inauguration of Ataur Rahman Memorial Peace Library of Peace Centre at Khalia, Rajoir, Madaripur and partnership with Save the Children USA for Nobo Jibon Program and with IRRI-Bangladesh for Sustainable Soil Management for Food Security of Poor, Marginalized and Small Farmers of Active Flood Plain and Char Lands of Bangladesh (SUSFER) - a project of Soil Resource and Development Institute (SRDI), Government of Bangladesh funded by European Union (EU).
Undertake Nobo Jibon Program (NJP) activities in Hizla Upazila of Barisal District.nt
Partnership with IRRI-Bangladesh for Sustainable Rice Seed Production and Delivery Systems for Southern Bangladesh (SRSPDS)--Expansion of Cereal System Initiative of South Asia (CSISA).
Partnership with HYSAWA FUND in providing training courses to Union Parishad (UP) and other stakeholders in 81 Unions under 5 districts of Greater Faridpur.


GUP over the last 39 years have developed collaboration and partnership with number of organizations. It took leading role in founding of a number of organizations, networks and forums of the country and in the region and maintains close links with many national NGOs, overseas friends and development groups, and the organizations. Some of which are briefly described below:

CAMPE set up in 1997 is a strong network of more than 400 NGOs working in the basic education sector in Bangladesh. GUP has been working as Founding Member/Council Member of this network since its inception.

NIRAPAD set up in 1997 to bring the information gap and strengthen the abilities of development organization and community to reduce disaster risk, is an open coalition 21 NGO’s working in Bangladesh in the field of Disaster Management. GUP has been working as Founding Member/Steering Committee Member of this network since its inception.

FEMA was established in 1995 to promote and contribute for holding free and fair elections to give democracy an institutionalized shape in Bangladesh. GUP has been working as Founding Member/Council Member of this network since 1997.

ECOTA FAIR TRADE FORUM is established for exchange of ideas, views and facilities in the field of Market Promotion and Designing of Batik & Handicrafts in 1985 GUP has been working as a Member of this network since its inception.

Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum (BSAF) was founded in 1998 is a national network of 152 NGOs actively engaged in the child rights activities. The goal of BSAF is to promote the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and to establish a healthy, child-rights enriched society, free of abuse, exploitation and discrimination for the disadvantaged children of Bangladesh. GUP has been working as a member of this network since its inception.

South Asia Peace Alliance (SAPA) is established in 2006 and has been working for strengthening Democracy and promotion of Peace and non-violence issues in South Asian Countries. GUP has been working as Founding Core Group Member since its inception.

PHM (People’s Health Movement) is established in 2000 and works for the promotion of Health Rights Movement for poor, marginalized and deprived people. GUP has been working as Member since its inception.