Vision and Mission, Goal, Objectives of GUP

Social Vision
: An environment-friendly, exploitation-free society where peace and social justice prevail.

Organizational Vision: Gono Unnayan Prochesta (GUP), aiming to be a self-reliant organization is committed to establish equity, justice, peace and prosperity through undertaking sustainable & environment-friendly programs where modern technologies integrate indigenous culture & traditions.

Mission Statement: Aiming towards sustainable development, ensure food security, establishment of social justice, good governance and rights of the disadvantaged, deprived & disaster-affected community particularly for ultra poor & destitute male & female, mothers, children, old-aged, physically handicapped, beggars, sexual workers, transport workers, marginal farmers, landless, fishermen, handicraft artisans & ethnic minority. Gono Unnayan Prochesta (GUP) is committed to undertake activities on group formation, awareness creation, skill development, promotion of IGAs through providing credit & appropriate technologies, implementing activities on safe water supply, environmental sanitation, ecological farming, mother & child health development and reproductive health aspects.

Goal: To improve socio, cultural, economic and environmental security by empowering the marginalized communities towards social justice and peaceful co-existence.


Enabling the people in identifying their problem to which solutions can be found by themselves.

Empowering the powerless through concretization efforts to increase the individuals’ strength, action and decision making power and capacity building.

Simulating cooperative efforts to mobilize resources and capital in the community for the promotion of self-reliant people’s organization and institutions.

Promoting human rights, education, social justice ecological balance harmony and peace in the community by over coming exploitation, gender discrimination, poverty, ill health, illiteracy, unemployment and all form of injustice through systematic non-violent action.

Complementing effective national efforts in the development of the disadvantaged group and initiating innovative people’s development approach which may eventually inspire other organizations.

Empowering and capacitating community people to face and cope up with disaster.